April 13, 2009

Media Blog 7

I think that one of the reason's shows like Jon and Kate Plus 8 are so successful are because of the kids. Everyone finds their children adorable, and we love to watch them do and say funny things. We like to see how Jon and Kate deal with having two sets of multiples. Parents could watch it for inspiration. They could think well Jon and Kate have 8 kids, and I have 2. If they can do it and be fine, so can I.
I think that it is fine to include children in reality TV shows because if you choose not to, and they grow up and find out that they could have been on a show, they might be very mad or upset about it. But if you do put them on the show, it might change their life, either for good or bad. They might feel special because whenever they go out, people recognize them and want to come talk to them. But it could also be bad in a sense that they have no privacy.
I think that yes, shows like these give a false sense of how easy it is to raise a large family. The Gosselins are on a show, which means they get paid a good amount. Plus Jon works. They are always going out as a family and doing things with the kids. This could make some parents think that if they have a big family they will be able to always go out and do things, when they probably won't be able to.

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